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For a married women, here are a few suggestions of elders which may go a long way to make their lives happier with their counterparts: please do not imagine that when your husband goes to his office or factory, he goes out for a picnic. lt is possible that he has, a boss whom he detests. When, therefore, your husband comes back from his work, never inflict on him any domestic problems, like the servant having run away, the telephone not having been set right, the washer-man not having brought the clothes, the milkman or the vegetable vendor not having turned up, the water taps having remained dry etc. It is a fact that running a home by a house-wife these days is nerve-racking business, as prices are going up day by day. But, the time to discuss your domestic worries with your husbands is not when he returns from his work, probably tired and hungry. This should be done only after he has had his tea or coffee and is in a relaxed mood. A home is a base of operations for a man for his struggle for existence, advancement, recognition with confidence and vigour. There are women who turn out smartly when they go out with their husbands, but are careless about their dress in their homes. It is not well. A woman should be nearly as well dressed at home as outside, as it will. add to her domestic happiness. Never talk ill of your husband's father, mother, brothers or sisters who can some- times be most irritating. Just because he has married you, do not expect your husband to discard his close relations for whom he may be having genuine affection and respect. It is possible for a man to love his wife as well as his relations simultaneously. One of the frequent causes of frayed tempers at home is the absence of things from their proper place. For example, you may carry a telephone directory or a dictionary or an inkpot to your bedroom for use, but restore it to its proper place immediately after use. Out of the other things which husbands greatly appreciate is stitching of missing buttons on their shirts and coats well in time. So, every house wife should be vigilant about the minor things at home to make herself happy.
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Paragraph By : Satnam Singh

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