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Marriages may be made in heaven but they are jolly well executed down here on earth. In a time when old values are in conflict with the new, institution of marriage is believed to have been severely bombarded. However, the priorities have really undergone much change in what today's men and women look for in each other? Speaking to several married and unmarried men and women has given us the idea that nothing really changes and today only reflects yesterday. The Indian male, despite his superficial urbanity, is still conservative in his choice of a wife. The Indian woman, by and large, continues to be dictated to by her menfolk and fights for her independence. Although the male-female equation has undergone a tremendous flux since many years, the whip lash of the old customs is still strong enough to sting. Consequently, the yardsticks for marriage basically remains unchanged; and men and women still look for the same factors in their partners as did their parents before them, with almost the same sort of priorities. The men's primary concern is still the purity. This male conspiracy has been eminently successful and continues to be so. The character, therefore, 1s given a thorough scrutiny before marriage is contemplated. Amazingly, the woman does not actively seek innocence in her man as a top priority. She has even lead herself to believe that a man of some experience is more an asset than his naive counterpart. To the Indian woman and her family, marriage is still a collective decision and the women may hold a deciding vote if she can afford the pressures imposed on her family background where caste and financial status are of paramount importance. While the girl is more practical and aims for securities, the man is taken in initially by her physical appearance and the extent to which it enhances his image in public. The physical appearance usually constitutes colour, figure and face. Colour is still important. It may be added here that horoscopes are also studied even where "love'" has replaced "arranged" affair as the motivating force. And both the sexes are embarrassed to confess whatever they get by their destinies.
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Paragraph By : Satnam Singh

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