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Discipline is of paramount importance in a civilized society. And the more civilised a nation. The more disciplined are the people of that nation. It is easy to form an idea of people from the manner in which they give orders to their subordinates. Those unaccustomed to position of authority usually issue "commands" to their juniors in the manner of a drill-sergeant on the parade ground. On the other hand, those who have long experience in a position of authority are tactful enough to know that the juniors are human, imbued With as much dignity, pride, self-respect and sensitivity as themselves, if not more. I Discipline is of paramount importance in a civilized society. And the more civilised a nation. the more disciplined are the people of that nation. It is easy to form an idea of people from the manner in which they give orders to their subordinates. Those unaccustomed to position of authority usually issue "commands" to their juniors in the manner of a drill-sergeant on the parade ground. On the other hand, those who have long experience in a position of authority are tactful enough to know that the juniors are human, imbued With as much dignity, pride, self-respect and sensitivity as themselves, if not more. The mere fact that somebody is in a junior position does not necessarily imply that he is a contemptible creature, unfit to0be treated as a human. We cannot buy respect and admiration in the same way as we buy a suit of clothes. Respect and admiration have to be earned. At the same time, we cannot earn respect and admiration unless we can prove to our juniors that we are definitely superior to time in talent, intellect and executive ability. Those who are appointed in senior position as a result of nepotism, favouritism or influence are not competent enough to prove their efficiency in those positions & do not command the respect of their juniors. It is pertinent to note that seniors should never discomfit juniors in the presence of strangers, howsoever great the provocation. On the other hand, a few words of approbation, when deserved double in value when ex- pressed in the presence of others. It is also worth keeping in mind that while at work, personal relationships should be forgotten and thee strictest possible discipline enforced. In the process, a father may have to censure his son; a husband may have to reprove his wife; brother may have to admonish brother; and even a bosom friend may have to be put on the carpet. An executive cannot afford to be lax. He should not also be deferential to a junior who may even be his social superior. Seniority does not entitle anybody to be rude to a junior. If orders cannot be given in such a manner as can be carried out efficiently and quickly, the fault clearly lies with their giver and not their taker. lf person in superior or senior position, be very very careful to keep in mind all the above points, he may be- come very successful in his dealings with the staff and can elevate his personality and working tactfulness. It is apt to call such an officer a disciplined citizen. He mere fact that somebody is in a junior position does not necessarily imply that he is a contemptible creature, unfit to0be treated as a human. We cannot buy respect and admiration in the same way as we buy a suit of clothes. Respect and admiration have to be earned. At the same time, we cannot earn respect and admiration unless we can prove to our juniors that we are definitely superior to item in talent, intellect and executive ability. Those who are appointed in senior position as a result of nepotism, favouritism or influence are not competent enough to prove their efficiency in those positions & do not command the respect of their juniors. It is pertinent to note that seniors should never discomfit juniors in the presence of strangers, howsoever great the provocation. On the other hand, a few words of approbation, when deserved double in value when ex- pressed in the presence of others. It is also worth keeping in mind that while at work, personal relationships should be forgotten and thee strictest possible discipline enforced. In the process, a father may have to censure his son; a husband may have to reprove his wife; brother may have to admonish brother; and even a bosom friend may have to be put on the carpet. An executive cannot afford to be lax. He should not also be deferential to a junior who may even be his social superior. Seniority does not entitle anybody to be rude to a junior. If orders cannot be given in such a manner as can be carried out efficiently and quickly, the fault clearly lies with their giver and not their taker. lf person in superior or senior position, be very careful to keep in mind all the above points, he may be- come very successful in his dealings with the staff and can elevate his personality and working tactfulness. It is apt to call such an officer a disciplined citizen.
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