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"If you look at the electoral performance of the last four years, the Congress's geographical and political base has shrunk. The BJP has won a large majority in states that went for bilateral elections. Talk of the Opposition alliance is really because of the Congress's inability to take on the BJP," the PM said. He hit out at commentators and analysts. "political pundits". for reading 2014 wrongly and predicted they would get it wrong again. "These groups and Mahagathbandhans have no development, no growth, no bright stable future to offer to this country." The PM also, at a time when there is a debate on whether religious polarisation would constitute a major element of the BJP campaign, said his platform would be centred around development. He referred to the Ujjwala scheme, under which free cooking gas connections are being given to poor families, rural electrification, the MUDRA loan scheme for small businesses, Jan Dhan bank accounts, Direct Benefits Transfer of subsidies, the Swachh Bharat sanitation programme, start.up push, and housing for all, as the major flagship schemes that have had an impact on the lives of citizens. On foreign policy, when asked how he managed conflicts, in particular the US sanctions against Russia with India needing to purchase Russian defence equipment, Modi said: "Both USA and Russia are India's long.standing strategic partners. Our relationships with them stand on their individual merits. We have time.tested relations with Russia in all spheres. They are based on the strong foundation of friendship and goodwill at the level of peoples. Our relationship with the US has undergone a major transformation, including in the spheres of defence and security cooperation. Both the countries understand our legitimate interests, including our security interests." On China, Modi said that it was noteworthy that not a single bullet had been fired across the India.China border for the last four decades and peace and tranquillity had been maintained in border
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