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Katherine Little Bakeless was born on December 5, 1895, in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania (USA). A playwright and biographer in her own right, Katherine Little Bakeless wrote books with her husband John on the American Revolution. Her individual works focused on music. She died in 1992 in Connecticut. There were over eighty British regiments serving in America between 1755 and 1783, most of which had their own band comprised of an assortment of instruments, including clarinets, oboes, bassoons, horns, and trumpets. These military bands not only executed their regimental duties but also played a large role in civilian musical lie. Sousa had been playing violin professionally, composing and arranging for several years and on several occasions had conducted theatre orchestras, like the Washington Theatre Comique, 9. Thus, in 1880 when the U.S. Marine Band was in search of new leadership, Sousa was the perfect candidate, particularly because he had already served two enlistments with the U.S. Marine Band as an apprentice musician. He was a mere twenty-six when he accepted leadership of the Marine Band and to give a more authoritative appearance, he grew a full black beard. Sousa held this position for twelve years, During this time, he made numerous changes, including adjustments to the repertory of the ensemble. Sousa's first concern as leader was to soften the sound that hit the guests as they entered the White House. The present story presents a glimpse of the life of his son and brings out the fact that one can succeed in life only if one pursuesa vocation according to one's aptitude and inborn taste. John Philip Sousa stood on the corner with his mother, watching a parade pass by. The United States Marine Band was rapidly coming closer to where they stood. Philip jumped up and down and cried excitedly, "Look, Mama, there's Papa now! Marching along in the brass section, Mr. Sousa looked very handsome. He winked as he went by. Philip grinned back. Philip loved bands, and the nation's capital was a fine place to hear them during the early 1860's. Washington was full of bands, and Philip loved them all. Now, with rapture in his eyes, he watched the Marine Band in all its
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