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Main feature of any developed country depends on the percentage of literacy in that area. Therefore, to ensure bright future of any country, it is essential to concentrate on the education of its children. It is only through good education that we can achieve harmonies development of their personality to make them useful citizens. A vast majority of our people live in the villages. Therefore, the bright future of our country is unimaginable without physical, mental, moral, social and economic development of the people living in the villages. As is clear too every intelligent common man in India that school education in Indian villages depicts a very disappointing and frustrating picture. Responsible, educated and social well-wishers living in villages must come forward and organize social societies, collect funds from each & every house on the basis of willingness for this great common cause of nation building. These social set-ups must get financial help from Education Departments whatever available and start primary schools at least. Common land of villages may be used to construct school building in every big village. The necessity of taking in hand the above arrangement of education, has arisen in light of poor and inadequate performance of Govt. primary schools specially in villages. In majority of govt. schools in rural areas, do not possess even black-boards and drinking water arrangement. There are no libraries in govt. schools. In many villages, there are one-teacher schools. In schools where there are more than one teacher, they remain absent turn by turn, either on the basis of leave due to them or on furlough. Eminent well-wishers of our country must agree that education is the only powerful source for creating a good society. Teachers of village schools must realise on moral ground that their mental and moral make-up is matter of great concern for the future of students taught by them. They must perform their duties with great responsibility and on war-footing. Every teacher must not wait that some supervisory staff will check his or her work and leave instructions to improve their work. Where there is will, their must be a way out. In many countries even universities are being run by privately organised social societies. Here in our villages, it is not difficult to run primary schools on privately organized social societies with the help of experienced and retired persons and others whosoever want to put in their honorary service.
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Paragraph By : Satnam Singh

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