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Marriages in India are looked upon as a hurdle crossed or a duty performed or a responsibility over. When the question of marriage arises for the parents, there is the imminent fear of the The ritual of 'Kanyadan' at marriages ultimately lead to the dowry system which in turn eroded demand of an exorbitant dowry. society and created insurmountable problems in the families and society at a large. An institution namely 'Swayambara' has recently emerged in Bombay to help young boys and girls and their parents to select suitable matches or life partners. In the centre of Swayambara hall, three rows of chairs are placed facing three other rows. Some chairs are kept for couples at some distance. Encircling these are some more chairs. By 4 O clock, the candidates begin to arrive. The man pays an entry fee of Rs. 3/- while women are privileged to enter free. Each has to fill a form giving his or her complete bio- data. The men and women sit opposite each other understandably self-conscious and nervous. Anxious parents, potential candidates and amused spectators sit around them. The bio-data of each candidate is read out over the mike while he or she stands by. The girls are given the information about the boy that is name, age, qualification, position held, salary etc. It is the girl who has to make the first choice. Minds then set working: priorities clash and conflict, faces flash across, repulse and a game of accept or reject ensues. Then, the girl gives the number of the boy to the volunteers and next minute she sits facing the man she wants to meet. Some men sit looking miserably bored because this is not the girl they are attracted to. Some other wants variety to talk to many candidates and then subject them to an assessment test. If no one is interested enough, the man and woman walk away during the meeting. The girls are generally given preference in choosing the mates. The boys also make their choice, but not first. This is really a place of making contacts. If there is mutual liking between a couple, the volunteers arrange further meetings among themselves.
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Paragraph By : Satnam Singh

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