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What role can the intellectuals play to improve the present day conditions & circumstances to rescue the country from this downhill slide? Intellectuals are those who have the intellect to understand and the conscience to care and whose intellectual integrity is not wholly vitiated by either their membership of any establishment or the temptation to reap the benefits only. If the intellectuals are sincere about being instrumental in bringing about improvement in society and if their intent goes beyond earning money through newspaper articles, a passive role like mere indulgence in criticism is not enough. They are to play an active role. In other words, they are expected to come forward and take concrete action. Acknowledged writers and newsmen would do well to descended from their ivory towers and reflect on this. The practical role may be along the lines of the non-violent Gandhian type of satyagraha. They should work gradually but confidently & practically. First : organisation of a meeting and submission of a resolution to the authority concerned; two: if necessary y, a demonstration may be arranged; three: if further necessary, ? Sit-in would prove more useful. If an intellectual giant like Bertrand Russell could squat on the road while leading a grassroots campaign against the atom bomb in Britain, why can't our eggheads descend to the earth to actively, oppose wrongdoing or press for ameliorative action? It can hardly be gainsaid that if the intellectuals want to effectively play an active role, they will have to organise themselves. Individual initiative is rarely effective. In fact, what is niece is an action-oriented intellectual ginger group. If such an action-oriented body of intellectual were to be formed, it would certainly have any number of issues & problems crying out for wise attention. Leaving urban areas apart, the need for an active role by the intellectuals in the villages is still more urgent and useful. They should from time to time, venture into the countryside on the basis of tours organised by their organisation and explain to the Villagers issues and problems, so that they are not hoodwinked by unscrupulous politicians. The majority of the voters in the villages are too poor, too wretched and too illiterate to understand speeches of the politicians. Will the Indian intellectuals come forward to accept the role that beckons them?
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Paragraph By : Satnam Singh

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