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Dreamers came to the U.S. as children with their parents. The parents were here without legal documents. President Obama said the Dreamers could stay and go to school and work. President Trump has now said they cannot. There are about 800,000 Dreamers in the U.S. People who support and people who oppose Dreamers agree on one thing. The U.S. Congress is the right place to decide their fate. The Dreamers are here in the Latin phrase as de facto residents. In fact, they are here. They are not here as de jure residents. They are not legal residents protected by law. What happens next? How do you make Congress act? Some think a new civil rights movement will start. Dreamers have many supporters in every sector of the nation. They will have to work together and begin campaigns to make Congress work on their behalf. Opponents of the Dreamers will also make a big effort. They oppose Dreamers for two reasons. The first reason is that they think President Obama did not have the legal right to allow the Dreamers to stay in the country. The second reason is that they are against what they call "illegal immigration." They believe that, if Congress acts, it should deport the Dreamers. And all who came or stayed in the U.S. without papers. History should be on the side of the Dreamers. All over the world, people are on the move to improve their lives. Some are fleeing war. Others are fleeing poverty. In general, the burden is on the country taking them in to do the right thing. The migrants are leaving failed states. That includes Mexico. But the difference is that states are states and people are people. You cannot treat them in the same way. The Dreamers came to America as children. They were not a party to the decision to go to the U.S. That is a strong moral argument on their behalf. For opponents, it does not matter. Opponents believe Dreamers are taking jobs and seats in schools away from 'Americans.' At the same time, friends and many foes think the Dreamers are good people. Trump has expressed support for Dreamers. During the campaign, Trump said he would and now has, ended the Dreamers' program. In the days ahead, details of how the program will end will come out. In the months ahead, Americans will have their views tested in the political arenas of the nation.
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